ブックワームBook Worm
まるでミノムシの幼虫のように本をまとった「Book Worm(本の虫)」は、どこにいても本好きの人々を、個室のような空間へと誘います。
有孔ボードによる自由なディスプレイ、キャスターによる簡単な移動が可能である。軽トラに積んで、町のあちこちへ出かけ、Book Wormを仕掛け予定である。
We made the device that experiment and suggest new encounter with books, connection with people, and new way to enjoy the place.
“Book Worm”, that like a larva of worm with wearing books, encourage people who love books to space like a private room in anywhere.
It could move easily with the castor wheel and display free with perforated plate.
We will carry the “Book Worm” on a small truck, go to everywhere of town, and set them.
We direct comfortable space with a thick carpet and a lantern in it.
設置場所/紀伊國屋書店 プライムツリー赤池店
Design / Makoto Tanida Laboratory, Meijo University
Management / Center for collaborative research and community cooperation, Meijo University
Construction / Nishishita Architecture + Makoto Tanida Laboratory, Meijo University
Date / October, 2017
Place / Kinokuniya Book Store in Prime Tree Akaike