建築学生たちが営む子育て支援スペース 『一つ山荘絵本サロン105』 第一期工事Supporting space of parenting operated by students studying architecture Constructing in term1 of ”HITOTSUYAMA-SO EHON SALON 105”

Keyword 【団地】・【部屋開き】・【学生運営】

Keyword 【Public housing】・【Opening the room for public】・【Operation by students】
■Contexts of Public housing
 One of main policies for housing program after WWⅡ was development of public housing. Many young people moved to live from countryside to urban city in the period of high growing Japanese economic. Public housings were built by this reason. In present, there are so many older residents and empty room in public housings. How should we improve the problem and maintain this situation? The stock of accumulated public housing after WWⅡ are precious resource for keeping good balance of social stability. Therefore, we think it is our problem to redefine the role of public housing as social resource and to fine new policy.
 At first, we try to change the age balance of local community as effort of improving problem. So, we invited young generation to public housing. And we hoped policy of complexed use of space because of increasing chance to have communication each other by residents. Then, we drew up project that we renovated from empty room to picture book salon and the place was operated by university students like living there. Of course, we don’t think this experiment can solve the problem at once. But we think it is fresh inspiration for public housing by increasing to visit young people momentarily.
■Policy of Design
 We considered to destroy form of a priori standard design for public housing. By the rule that we have to return back “same situation” when we were lent it, we couldn’t operate with “subtraction” that breaking wall audaciously. Whence we set picture book salon on the center of layout and operated with “addition” to build slit wall at the border.
 However, that is never large space, we made some niche space here and there with breaking the layout by more many walls, and looked forward of becoming a modest place for visitors.
■Observation of Lifestyle
 The main staffs of this salon are students who study architecture at the university. They examine existence of public housing that they joined the project there. Can “supporting space of parenting” really support parenting? We think there are chance at an extension of everyday life to make connection of house and local community. Therefore, we are thinking and feeling “environment of public housing” with acting like living here.


Date / April, 2024
Location / Tenpaku-ward in Nagoya city
Planning ・Design ・Construction / Makoto Tanida + Tanida Lab. Meijo Univ. + Kojikake + Sumire design office [Curtain] Yui Murase
Building Management / Nagoya City Housing Supply Corporation, and Housing management division of Nagoya city Urban and Housing Affairs Bureau.
Cooperation / [Picture book] Tenpaku Library in Nagoya city
[Research] Machi Archi Estate
[Logo design] DESIGN PERSON Co., ltd
[Plants] APERO HYLE at B type business for the disabled persons employment aid
[Product] Mitaki Space Factory (GIFT), aruto, and WIRE WORK YAOUO